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making snapshot in bmp, jpg, png directly from video memory.drag'n'drop all files, playlists, or URL links.playlist with the feature sorting files, opening, and saving playlists in m3u, pls formats.ability set default sound playback device directly from the program.recording in "What U Hear" mode when the system mixer is completely muted.recording from sound device in formats wav and mp3.recording "What U Hear" mode in wav, mp3.custom Internet Radio Catalog with advanced features.support HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) streams Internet Radio.streaming playback in mp3, aac, aac +, Ogg Vorbis, wma1, wma2, opus (support http, https, mms, rtsp protocols).DVD playback on operating systems that do not support this feature.playback DVD/Blu-ray from optical drive or hard disk.
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playback MXF structure recorded on P2 cards professional camcorders Panasonic series P2/P2HD.playback media files avi, mpg, mpeg, mpv, mpe, m1v, m2v, mpv2, mp2v, pva, evo, m2p, ts, tp, trp, m2t, m2ts, mts, tod, mod, rec, vob, divx, xvid, mkv, mp4, m4v, mp4v, mpv4, hdmov, mov, qt, 3gp, 3gpp, 3g2, 3gp2, 3ga, 3gpa, flv, f4v, wmv, wmp, wm, asf, wav, bwf, w64, rf64, mp3, wma, ac3, dts, mpa, mp2, m1a, m2a, m4a, m4b, aac, mka, mid, midi, rmi, mus, xmi, ogm, ogv, ogg, oga, flac, rm, ram, rpm, rmm, ra, rmvb, ivf, amv, webm, swf, mxf, dvr-ms, mpls, bdmv, ifo, mks, smk, bik, wtv, eac3, dtshd, alac, als, ape, kar, mac, mpc, tta, wv, spx, mp, mpp, mp1, mlp, adt, adts, aif, aifc, aiff, afc, au, dvr, fla, it, mo3, mtm, ofr, ofs, s3m, snd, tak, tts, umx, xm, ssif, opus, amr, bgm, pmp, shn, thp, mpq, aob, nsv, ac3wav, 264, h264, vc1, 265, h265, hm10, hevc, at3, avr, oma, sfd, y4m, nsv, dat, dv, caf, dff, dsf, m4r, $b, $m, 2sf, ahx, as0, asc, ay, ayc, bin, cc3, chi, cop, d, dmm, dsq, dst, esv, fdi, ftc, gam, gamplus, gbs, gsf, gtr, gym, hes, hrm, hrp, hvl, kss, lzs, m, msp, mtc, nsf, nsfe, p, pcd, psc, psf, psf2, psg, psm, pt1, pt2, pt3, rmt, rsn, s, sap, scl, sid, spc, sqd, sqt, ssf, st1, st3, stc, stp, str, szx, td0, tf0, tfc, tfd, tfe, tlz, tlzp, trd, trs, usf, vgm, vgz, vtx, ym, 669, 8svx, adsc, amf, at9, dbm, digi, dmf, dtm, emod, et1, far, fnk, ft, gdm, ims, kssx, lha, liq, mdl, mmd0, mmd1, mmd2, mmd3, oct, okt, pdt, ptm, rtm, st11, st13, st26, stm, stp2, tcb, ult, usflib, vt2, zxs, v2m, s98, etc.